Dayum! Language – Deadline Designs

21 10 2008

One of the things I’ve noticed in my 8-yr old kid is that his language is evolving as a combination of interjections from different cultures at school and perhaps, on the streets of Los Angeles. I made this design tee with a Japanese game icon for his birthday to reward him for not expressing himself with insults or obscene words in stressing situations.

Here’s the design and I’m sure your kids will understand the language. He told me that his friends speak the same buddy language. And here’s some explanations on how to use the word Dayum! from the Urban Dictionary. Interesting! Go to that design section and select the background color of your preference. Z’ya dud!

Pacman Cannibal Love – Deadline Designs

18 10 2008

I got inspired by the Pacman (or Puck Man in Japan) behavior game of all he can eat on the arcade screen. For those who are not familiar with Pacman, the game was designed in the 80s and became a social phenomenon, or rather a cult among fans. It is also being credited in producing the first attacks of visual epilepsy in kids but it still ranks among the Ten Top Most Popular Video Games.

Here’s my 3D design in the section of my tee store and you can choose this item in the background color of your choice. Available for men, women and kids. Enjoy the smorgasboard!